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Showing posts from May, 2014

Memorial Day Demo

Decided I finally needed to take care of that ugly bathroom in the basement. Needed to fully demolish it so that I could figure out the plumbing I'll need to do for the upstairs laundry room as well as this bathroom.  Rebuilding this bathroom is likely going to be one of the last things I do, so it will probably be like this for a year or more.  Not a big loss, as it was really horrible. Here it is all cleaned up.  Using that bathroom space for tool storage for now.

More Window Well

Main framing done. I will probably put a stained cedar trim piece on the top to hide the mounting screws.  Then more weed barrier and rocks.  The well itself only has a few rocks in it for now, will be filling it soon.

Front Window Well

Started on the front window well.  Here is the old cinder block well dug out. Here I have the new well framing loosely in place I got lazy and didn't finish the job today, I'll do that tomorrow.