I'd been putting it off for a while, but finally started tackling the plumbing for the laundry room. Doing this right necessitates doing the plumbing in the downstairs bathroom and the upstairs 1/2 bath as well. Here is a shot of all the old plumbing removed. Here is the new 4" ABS main line. You can see the new splice that goes up to the laundry room sink. Here is where it cuts over to the old line, and to the 2" main drain that comes from the kitchen. Originally this had been cut down to 1.5" for no good reason other than a lazy plumber, which wasn't up to code. I could have left it alone and grandfathered it in, but better to do the job right. Now I have 2" abs on all drains, and it only reduces to 1.5" at the trap for each sink, when I get them installed. To get the plumbing right, I realized I'd have to tear the existing 1/2 bath appart. This isn't really an issue as the drywall patchwork was pretty bad, and the e...