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Basement Window

The windows in the basement are original, aluminum, single pane, and in poor shape.  Been meaning to replace them for a while.  Bought one as a test, as they are all the same size.  Using the same style as I used on the stairwell.  However, these are not required to be tempered, and to reduce noise I have each pane made in a slightly different thickness.
Here is the old window:
 And the new one in it's place.  I haven't put the trim on yet, as I'll want to match the trim on all of the windows on the house, so I probably won't do the trim right away.  It's purely cosmetic though, as these are well sealed.
Much nicer than the old ones.  I plan to rebuild that window well too, as it's a mess and lower than the gutter drain, which is not where I want it.  This test window fit like a glove, and was very easy to install, so I'll go ahead and order the rest of them.  This will also be the same style window that I will use on the bedrooms.  A test window for those will be here later this week.  I might end up doing all of the bedroom windows first, then do the rest of the basement windows.


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