Got one of the bedroom windows in this week and installed it today. Turns out it's not a good fit.
Here is the original window as I'm starting the process of removing it.
Here it is from the outside.
From the outside, here I've cut the siding to expose the mounting lip.
And now with the window out
Here is the new window mounted. As you can see there is a significant amount of shimming going on. A 2x4 under it in fact. I have about 1" of total shimming on the sides, and about 2.5" of shimming vertically.
This is because I did this window order with the window measured to the finished size. Well, it turns out when you do that you get a window the exact size of the finished frame, and they assume you will be doing significant shimming so that you can simply lay the window inside the existing trim. Makes for a quicker install, but I'd already pulled the trim out, and didn't plan to reuse it. Plus, I can get an extra inch of width and over 2" of height if I do this with a "rough framed" measurement. So, I'll chock this one up to education and order another window Monday. Until then I'll leave this one installed, and probably sell it on CL later, or take it down to a hardware reuse place.
Here is what the window looks like on the inside.
This amount of shimming would also require pretty significant exterior window trim, and I want that trim to be less wide.
So, on to venting. First, I finally installed some permanent ladders on the short side of the house to make access to the roof easier. They are simple cedar 2x4's. I'll prime and paint them later.
Obviously I need to get up there and do some cleaning before Fall hits. It's been dry for so long I haven't been up there in months.
And here you can see the new plumbing vent pipe for the laundry room.
I ran out of steam after drilling the hole for it (the roof is a lot thicker than I thought). The black area around it is "asphalt primer." I cleaned and scrubbed the area around it, and hit it with the primer, and I'm allowing it to dry overnight. You can see the rubber flashing that I'll be installing tomorrow. Right now the vent pipe sticks out about 5', which is obviously too much. I don't plan to cut it until I get the code inspectors out here just to be on the safe side.
Here is the original window as I'm starting the process of removing it.
Here it is from the outside.
From the outside, here I've cut the siding to expose the mounting lip.
And now with the window out
Here is the new window mounted. As you can see there is a significant amount of shimming going on. A 2x4 under it in fact. I have about 1" of total shimming on the sides, and about 2.5" of shimming vertically.
This is because I did this window order with the window measured to the finished size. Well, it turns out when you do that you get a window the exact size of the finished frame, and they assume you will be doing significant shimming so that you can simply lay the window inside the existing trim. Makes for a quicker install, but I'd already pulled the trim out, and didn't plan to reuse it. Plus, I can get an extra inch of width and over 2" of height if I do this with a "rough framed" measurement. So, I'll chock this one up to education and order another window Monday. Until then I'll leave this one installed, and probably sell it on CL later, or take it down to a hardware reuse place.
Here is what the window looks like on the inside.
This amount of shimming would also require pretty significant exterior window trim, and I want that trim to be less wide.
So, on to venting. First, I finally installed some permanent ladders on the short side of the house to make access to the roof easier. They are simple cedar 2x4's. I'll prime and paint them later.
Obviously I need to get up there and do some cleaning before Fall hits. It's been dry for so long I haven't been up there in months.
And here you can see the new plumbing vent pipe for the laundry room.
I ran out of steam after drilling the hole for it (the roof is a lot thicker than I thought). The black area around it is "asphalt primer." I cleaned and scrubbed the area around it, and hit it with the primer, and I'm allowing it to dry overnight. You can see the rubber flashing that I'll be installing tomorrow. Right now the vent pipe sticks out about 5', which is obviously too much. I don't plan to cut it until I get the code inspectors out here just to be on the safe side.
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